It is a special place where students with no knowledge of Judaism reach unprecedented heights in Torah learning within 2-3 years and become top students of the most prominent Yeshivos in Israel: Mir, Chevron, Wolfson, Or Yisroel, Beis Matisyahu and so on. It is an open miracle of our times!

The Yeshiva was established over 30 years ago by a prominent Rabbi Moshe Soloveitchik ztz”l. Rabbi Itzhak Zilber ztz”l and Rabbi Moshe Shapiro ztz”l regularly came to teach in the Yeshiva.

The efforts of these Torah giants brought great produce. Throughout the 30 years of active work over 3000 graduates of the Yeshiva have transformed the way the Russian Jewish community all over the world looks like. Dayanim, rabbis of countries, cities and communities, leaders of Jewish organizations, lecturers, translators of sacred texts, avreichim, thousands of Torah observant Jews establishing Jewish families and tens of thousands of Jewish kids – all these are the fruits of The Yeshiva “Toras Chaim”.